Monday, December 29, 2008

a brand new year around the corner

2008 was a building year for me. By the end of 2007 I had been thrust into new leadership positions and areas of steep learning curves. A shift had been made, thus 2008 was about getting my mind, body and spirit to adjust to those shifts.

By the end of 2008, I think I came out of it on a very good note. I still had learning curves to go, but I had good momentum, particularly in the leadership arena. And in the end surprised myself and was surprised by the recognition I was receiving. One of my last messages was that training time was over, and that I had the skills to run with it.

As as my direction turned yet another door opened. One that will dramatically change not only my life but the lives around me. A direction I've always wanted to go in, and glad I'm here, but still feeling a bit timid about being able to do this. It is overwhelming on so many different levels and even more so after all these holiday celebrations. But I guess that's not the real question, because like it or not there is no turning back.

If 2008 was the building year, 2009 is the being year. There is no question now who I've become, and no more reason for me to question it any longer, especially when there are so many people recognizing it in me. It's not so much believing in myself as it is believing in them, in the people who have watched me come to this point and new all along without a doubt that I would make it here.

At this moment there seems to be no room for the past or the future, just room for the present. The future I can't even imagine and the past seems like a completely different life. So living in the present seems good for now. Take each day as it comes. Knowing the eventfulness that 2009 will bring, taking each day as it comes might be the best thing to do.

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