Saturday, March 01, 2003

OH, I can hear Ms. Winepoetics tastebuds moaning from Napa, "why isn't she making pinakbet for me?"

Yes, yes, I hear your call, Ms. Winepoetics. I can't subject your discerning tastebuds to a first go-around considering I've never made it before. The lumpia I rolled was well into my 3rd try at it. The virgin nerves caused me to forget a key ingredient: tomatoes. Kalabasa...check, talong/eggplant...check, long bean...check, agamang...check. So pinakbet will have to wait until tomorrow til I can get to the store. As a backup for tonight's menu: stir fried pea sprouts in garlic, vegetable lumpia, and fried Pompano fish. With a lighter opening of miso soup.

ooh, i think I'll try a mango and sweet rice dish tomorrow along with the pinakbet.

of course there's a purpose to the cooking binge besides entertaining guests and leftovers for a week. From one of the listserves I am on, there was an idea of writing poems/stories with actual recipes in the piece. Not just about the food, but a real recipe in the poem. what better way to be inspired than to jump right in.

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