Wednesday, November 19, 2003

For you post-modern sci-fi junkies

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

I always get Galadriel. Must be because I wouldn't kill my best friend to be immortal, but I get to wear a very cool and powerful ring!

You are Trinity-
You are Trinity, from "The Matrix."
Strong, beautiful- you epitomize the ultimate

What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

If I fudge it slightly, I get Neo. Otherwise, I'm pretty much Trinity. Yeah, I would have bust a cap in the Merovingen, too.

OH, but you might want to try the other popular Quizzes on Quizilla, such as "what 80's song fits you?," "what Nemo character are you?," "What is your Vampire name?" AND "If you were a Barbie, which messed up version, would you be?"

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