Monday, February 23, 2004

downward dog is a bitch

I'm on the lookout for a yoga class that both fits my novice abilities and time schedule. In the meantime, I picked up a dvd of 20 minute sets to do for the morning and evening.

I can't touch my toes with my legs straight, back problems that led to hamstring problems most of the my life. But that's the goal this year is to be able to touch my toes without bending my knees. Having a desk job for the last 5 years doesn't help much either.

Fortunately, a lot of the kali can be done without the need of touching ones toes or doing some crazy jump kick flip.

My upper body on the other hand is amazingly limber. I can do that pose where one places your hands like in prayer behind your back between your shoulder blades, not a problem.

I use my old judo yellow belt to help me reach my toes while keeping my upper body in alignment. I get a tingly sensation in my feet, my hamstrings like taught thick ropes. I wonder if the tingly sensation is simply because I don't really feel a whole lot in my feet in general as they are apt to be the first extremity to become cold. And the tingly sensation is my feet being overwhelmed by data.

Downward dog is by far one of the hardest poses (that upsidedown V shaped pose), even with foam bricks and mat for support. It's like tug-o-war with my own body.

I don't really push the poses. I try to keep as much alighnment in my body as I can, but only push the stretch til I'm uncomfortable as opposed to excruciating pain. I figure bit by bit I'll creep that much closer to my toes. My hips will release, the ropes in my legs will untie themselves. Each time I do it, I find another tiny adjustment to make that makes it that much easier.

The yoga certainly makes me that much more aware of my body. And it does make me feel good. (though I think partly that's due to being relieved of the pain) I actually feel taller and more open. Hopefully, I can find an actual class that I can attend.

In the meantime, I'll be bitching about my body refuses to do downward dog.

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