Thursday, February 26, 2004

Making our way up the mountain

Heading up the mountain to Tahoe this weekend with the SO, the watcher, and Flux. Do all my friends have secret code names? To which I answer, don't yours?

Anyway, going to hit the big bad bunny slopes and try my hand at snowboarding. I tried to ski years ago but I don't think my feet know what the meaning of "parallel" and in combination with the skis, "stop." So, having some skater experience, I'm hoping attaching two feet to one board will work better for me.

The SO, ever the tropical Filipino boy, will be staying warm and toasty either at the hotel next to the gas fireplace overlooking the lake, or perhaps in the casinos looking for a $5 blackjack table. Which is where I'll be if I find myself walking my board down the hill.

In either case, I'm hoping to make good use of the spa at Lake Tahoe Lodge & Spa, to pound out the aches of falling on my behind. And somewhere will be a nice cup of hot cocoa.

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