Wednesday, February 11, 2004

My Big Fat Reality Obsession

Following Veronica's post on flipping channels to watch various tv shows. Here are my channel surfing habits.

First of all, I don't have cable. Actually, I've never had cable unless it was free. I still have a pair of rabbit ears that gets me decent reception of most of the major channels, but most are still slightly fuzzy. If I had cable, I'd never stop watching VH1 lists, or Queer Eye and In the Actor's Studio, or maybe the Real World and Road Rules marathons and there'd always be a stop on the Sci-Fi channel. Thus, you would never see me again, because I'd be home watching cable.

So, I have to live with the standard local channels.

Currently on the watch list:

  1. My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance - an actor is paid to be the obnoxious fiance while the woman is led to believe that he's a real guy who is in it with her to fake their families out to participate in a wedding. If they can get their families to stay for their fake wedding, they split a million bucks. The woman is a Catholic school teacher from a pretty straight laced family. His family are of course also actors sent to just mess with people's minds.

    I often wonder what it would be like if it was a Filipino on the show as the bride. (I often fantasize about how Filipinos would just whup butt on Fear Factor, especially on the gross eating task.) I don't know, I think if a Filipino were in that situation, the family might complain a bit, but then they would still show up at the wedding. And though the guy may be strange, they would think he might be entertainingly funny and perhaps just chalk it up to something white people do. I doubt his drinking would be an issue, though if he were unemployed it may irk them though not dissuade them totally. Now, if he was Muslim, assuming the family is Catholic or Christian might have issues, but then again I wonder how much being a white guy (he is tall at least) would buy him creds with a Filipino family. I mean, so long as he wasn't beating on her, would they say anything?

  2. American Idol - I like when they're still trying to narrow it down. Besides there's a Big Boy Hawaiian to root for and other atypical non-britney types to root for to kick ass.

  3. Star Search - My family watched every episode of that when Ed McMahon was hosting. Back in the day when they had every talent imagineable (singing, comedy, modeling, dance, acting. ok the acting category was weird). Now it's hosted by Arsenio Hall who has a vice grip hug on just about every contestant. They've moved away from the silent pretty judges and got Naomi Judd, some TV producer, and MC Lyte who give frank comments to the contestants before making their votes. The twist this year is that two people compete, then that winner has to call out one of the three winner's circle winners. If the newbie can beat the winner's circle champion score, they get to be in the winner's circle. It's like mixing American Idol with say Iron Chef. Plus they've reduced the categories to 3: young singer, young dancer, and adult singer.

    Well, the reason I watch is for one of the young singers in the winner's circle, Mike Meija, the cutest Filipino kid with a grin from ear to ear from San Diego. This Saturday, the winner's circle champions will compete with each other, so I'm looking forward to hearing him sing to see if he can secure a spot in the championships in March.

  4. Celebrity Mole - ok, so I still don't know how the show really works or what the point is. But I'll watch to see whether Dennis Rodman is really the mole, or he just naturally acts like he's stoned all the time.

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