Thursday, December 23, 2004


Funny how the universe brings people through your door and how, some how, you say the very thing they needed to hear, the answer they were looking for, the thing that they've been pondering for a while.

oh yeah, and I met another Pinay who is born and raised in Oakland. There's always something special about that for me. Growing up you never knew where all the Filipinos are, til you find out they lived down the street, but that's the nature of Oakland. It's Oakland, not the "Cities" (Daly, and Union), not Vallejo, it's Oakland. But I'll blog about that another time.

Anyway, off to Vegas. My third or 4th trip this year, I can't keep track. Ironically, Vegas is not the destination of choice for me since well, I'm a water person, more like a Hawaii ocean person. But family is in Vegas, so we're in Vegas. Did I mention playing Star Wars on XBox connected to a big screen with surround sound? We're going to see how many non-gambling related things we can do in Vegas and as a bonus, how many non-Strip related things to do.

Might blog, might not blog, we'll see how it goes. Certainly, when I get back, I'll have plenty to blog about: jousting, skydiving, having needles driven through my earlobes. All sorts of good stuff.

Wishing you well.

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