Tuesday, August 02, 2005

blog catch-up

Back from LA-LA land. Some shorts that may be expanded later:

-Sargento, the Fiance's brother's dog with one black eye and one blue eye, so adorable! Though he's a bit of a goth since he hates the sun since he hasn't gone out much yet. Spent hours getting action shots of the Pekinese jumping and biting for his favorite stuffed animal. He was both confused and happy there were new people in the house.

-The Fiance's LSQC grand reunion. It was an all boys school til the mid-80s. Many of the former teachers came, a former rector was invited, and batchmates from the 60s to the 90s were there. The teachers though many of them retired or on to other careers were more like giddy schoolgirls with their chatter and tsismis as they reunited with former students and where their lives had gone. The oldest one there had taught at LSQC in 1957, she was in her 70s. When all the teachers were taking a picture next to the LSQC banner, I watched her dash across the room nearly knocking over this 6 foot tall guy to make it in the picture. Their school is only 50 years old. LSQC USA only started up a few years ago. I got a glimpse into the Philippine school system: the segregation of classes by their test schools: A/B, C, and D/E sections, the ABC people almost never saw the DE folks.

-Met a guy who said he's got connections to the Porn film industry. San Fernando Valley is the "Hollywood" of the X rated industry. He didn't say it to me, I just heard, and new the guy he told it to. Not that I'm a big porn watcher, but it's a fascinating statement to overhear. And my mind wonders how this guy got these kind of connections, and how and why. I am eternally fascinated by how people get to where they are in their lives and well, "having connections to the porn film industry" is not on the typical list of "what I want to be when I grow up" and it's those stories I just love to hear about.

-got the nails fixed and went to Kim Sun Young this morning to get hair and makeup done before our 3 hour photoshoot with David Sung of Studio Wedding Story in LA. We did a few studio poses in formal Barong, malong, then went to 3rd street promenade to shoot the rest. I like David. Doesn't speak much English, but knows exactly how to pose you to get the right shot. More on this later.

-Ordered over the internet a twin broadsword set. Opened the box and got a gim. Will have to call them back tomorrow to let them know that a single gim is not a twin broadsword set. But maybe will get my kicks trying the "temporary sword" tomorrow in class.

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