Friday, August 05, 2005

without words

been trying to figure out how to blog about this. um. huh. somehow the "One Night in Paris" DVD fell into our hands. um, long story. all boys. catholic school. stack of unmarked dvds. don't ask. ye-ah. The DVD is that thing that hit the tabloids. Paris Hilton's ex sold their "home videos". made a ton of cash. she sued. It was REALLY REALLY BAD and not in a good way. lots of night vision. looked like demons getting it on. Demon spawn, yes, I'd call it demon spawn. Horror flick maybe? makes you appreciate the people who do this professionally. There really is an art to everything. This was not good art. This wasn't even good bad art. Even now as I type this my face is furrowed in this quizzical look of "what was that?" The ex does commentary between scenes. Very bizarre. It was SO AWFUL they included bonus feature of professionals. Because there was no obvious way you'd be able to "get off" on the feature film. I really can't believe anyone paid money for this. There truly is a difference between being famous and being infamous. Not sure what to do with it now. Label it "vacation videos"?


Anonymous said...

"Demon-spawn" LOL! I love it. That's exactly what it looks like. Not that I've seen it, mind you. Just whatever free stuff was floating around the internet.

Gura said...

We have it so you can watch it, but that would just be torturous! I wouldn't want you to suffer in that way. lol