Tuesday, January 31, 2006

OK, so why do people go postal at the Post Office? Are these people not quite together when they first hire them or do they get knocked off their mental equilibrium from working there?


Anonymous said...

It's the mail. It never stops. It just keeps coming and coming and coming. The work never ends. There never seems to be any progress made.

On a completely random note, I've always wanted to visit the USPS's dead letter office.

Randy said...

I was chatting with a customer at my workplace, who retired from the military and joined the postal service, if it was really that stressful in the post office. He told me that it's a really thankless job, and that you're always asked to do more, and when you do, you're appreciated less. Also, the supervisors seem to yell at their underlings for no really good reason. This particular customer had served in Gulf War I, so he said that working for the post office was the "easiest job he ever had", and the mental toughness he developed in the military and during Gulf War I trained him to let his boss's condescensions roll like "water on a duck's back", but he could understand how someone else who isn't prepared for the verbal abuse could just crack.