Sunday, May 28, 2006


Comments I have so far received about my new haircut:

-a great hair cut! I like it alot!
-You look so different
-I thought you were your sister
-it really fits your face
-You look older
-you look all ready for summer
-nice cut
-you look like you're ready to be a mom
-it's really cute

Every time I walk by a mirror I have to stop and take a glance at myself in the new do. The "do" I got is different from the ones I've gotten before. Before the cuts I got had similar linear lines that my straight hair naturally takes when growing long. But this cut is a bit more dynamic than that and includes some copper/red highlights that blend nicely in.

I stop and look at myself in the mirror because I've really not met this version of me yet. Hair frames the face, and like a frame around a photo or artwork, it shapes what you the viewer notices and sees in the the thing contained in the frame. The color of a frame can emphasize or de-emphasize the color in the photo or artwork. This haircut frames my face differently. It frames how people think of me and who they think I am and at the same time who they think I was before my hair was cut. When I look in the mirror it frames how I look at myself.

I revealed this cut at a large family function which was interesting because for them it was a dramatic change for them. It made them wonder and question who I was and what they remember of me and recataloguing in their head how they see me.

I'd been wanting this hair change for a while. I go through it after my hair starts to get annoyingly long, every few years. But in the past, I've gotten a bob, or the all around short shag, which nicely grows out to the medium shag and long shag. Those cuts are a change, but really not that big of a change since I really end up where I started.

What I like too about this cut is that it could be all messed up, but it still looks good. Actually the more out of line the hair is, the more style it gives the cut. Though I'm now delving in to gels and styling lotions now too to create different looks.

There is the way in which you frame the world and there is a way in which the world frames you. And somewhere in between is this area where changing the way you look, what you wear, the cut of your hair, etc changes the way the world frames you which changes the way you frame the world. A two way flow of who we are in this world.

Tomorrow: going through the closet and finding stuff for the garagesale.

1 comment:

Kathang Pinay2 said...

post a photo of your new do, michelle!