Monday, December 18, 2006

set a date

I finished designing and uploading a family calendar. The family doesn't include just my family but all of my mom's side, the families we interact with. Each month has pictures of the people celebrating birthdays or wedding anniversaries. We tried to pick the most flattering pictures for everyone, ok maybe one or two slipped through. People just don't smile in their photos.

It was quite challenging as the family has grown quite a bit with several births this year, all girls. We couldn't find a photo of my cousin's husband,and that's the only one we couldn't locate. I'm thinking next year, I try to have everyone's baby picture in it or the earliest pictures we can find.

This year it was challenging enough to find everyone's birthdays and wedding anniversaries.

I had to rush order a bunch in order to get a few copies in time for Christmas. They should arrive some time this week.

It's been an interesting few weeks searching through albums and computers for people's pictures. Even photos from a year ago seem so far away already. How quickly the nieces have grown. We even scored some really young wedding picture photos of some of the uncles and aunts.

We're going to give one of the calendars as a prize. We're coming up with questions about the people in the calendar. Which month do we celebrate the most birthdays? Which month has the most wedding anniversaries? How many people share the same birthday? How many people share their birthday with a wedding anniversary? Whose birthday only shows up every 4 years on the calendar?

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