Monday, March 15, 2004

Got a new cousin

OK, so me and Patrick Macaraeg exchanged various family trees, and it seems we haven't quite figured out which branch of the tree we're on. It's either much deeper down the line (beyond great grandparents) or perhaps wider on the tree (2nd, 3rd, 4th cousins removed, etc).

But, since I already have so many cousins, it doesn't seem to hurt to add another one, even if we haven't quite figured out how we are cousins. Besides, his family is from a town down the road from mine, so we could at least be kababayan. Close enough. And, he's a fellow Mac geek, surely there's some genetic link there!

I was commenting to the SO, that my family takes just about anyone in. Family parties are not so excluded to family, but people as close to being family. Not only have they allowed boyfriends/girlfriends to tag along, but also just friends to be incorporated into the mix. Hell, more than one aunt has given refuge to their daughter's boyfriends. And I remember when I had a graduation party and had invited a friend of mine who is in a heavy motorized wheelchair, my uncles carried him and the chair up the 20 steps to my parent's house. He came this far, couldn't very well let him stay on the street. If you hang around the family long enough, you become a part of the family. They might even invite you along on a family trip.

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