Thursday, March 11, 2004


The Chronicle does a preview article for Imelda that is closing for the film festival.

Looks like the director is hoping to get it into the art house circuit by summer. That would be nice. I'd like to watch it again, but I don't want to spend $40, since it's the closing festival movie.

I think they were accurate in saying watching "Imelda" is like a train wreck. You know it's maddening, you know it's tragic (in many different ways), and you know how it all ends up, but you have to watch. She is the ultimate diva spin doctor. She puts Bill Clinton's teflon surface to SHAME!

I'm not sure how I feel about the director saying that she is like the Shakespearean tragedy. It seems to make it all much to romantic that what it was. I think in a play you can be romantic about tragedy. When a whole country is at the bottom of that tragedy, it's not so romantic.

"I wanted the documentary to mimic my experience with Mrs. Marcos," Diaz explains. "It started out as this fairy tale, then gets darker and more nonsensical."

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