Sunday, September 19, 2004

Karma delayed

D txtd (as in phone texted) me just before 8 asking me about the rain. I checked the window, could see that the pavement was wet but nothing falling from the sky. Sale looked like a Go. The second I txtd D back, woosh, woosh, pour. I thought it was December. Had to send another txt saying I had lied.

Went online to check the Doppler radar. Heavy rain as far south as San Jose. I want to spend my Sunday staring at the sky and wondering about the rain. We decide to call it off. Called the rest of the crew before they headed out the door. Most of them I think were barely out of bed. I called my sister, "it's cancelled." why? "look out your window." daaaang!

We had started calling our garage sales the karmic garage sales. Active participation in the cycle of karma, developing the intent and the ability to let stagnant things in our life go to release the energy and give back to the world. Making a buck is nice, but having room in my closet is better.

Instead of karma delayed, perhaps it's really a karmic return for the past sales. Alot of us had gone to kali seminar on Wednesday and still recovering. Kali seminar was awesome! Several guros/guras, in the backyard under the moonlight with a few lights. Getting dumped into sparring matches not knowing what weapon and with whom. Plus, I was moving quite well that evening. Staff, open hand, knife, stick. Oh when the Kali is good, it's poetic! Anyway, I didn't mind the chance of sleeping in as the cold rain pelted the roof and I stayed under the warm covers.

I napped a bit longer and cleaned up a bit. My sister went hiking on the ridge. Later in the afternoon, I went with the fiance to fill a bridal registry at REI and some errand shopping. And I'm sure everyone else managed to make use of a now wide open day. September has been crazy, so it was nice to just take the leisurely pace.

Found out in a couple of weeks there will be a HUGE fair at the elementary school across from our garagesale location. There will be tons of foot traffic then. That's a nice karmic return indeed.

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