Wednesday, October 13, 2004


I always forget I shouldn't drink tea in the evening. A cup on black chai on Sunday night, had me awake til 4am Monday morning and I still was pretty functional on Monday for work. But have yet to get back on rhythm.

Very many happy more years for Chatelaine and Ver on their wedding anniversaries!

Can't wait to hear about NYC from Jean.

At this point, just trying to find time to do laundry and organize my papers. Going to pick pine cones this weekend.

Was chatting with a student about whether they should go to Tuhan's kali seminar tonight. This is where he usually ups it a notch. The student felt like because they hadn't taken it for very long, wasn't qualified to go. Now unless it's a live blade class or something, I'd be concerned. But frankly, there's an advantage of knowing nothing, you have everything to learn. It's something I remind myself of every day that for everything I've learned, I still know nothing.

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