Monday, July 11, 2005


From Chatelaine Shops comment I posted upon request:

OK, since I was the sous chef, I'm going to take a stab at this recipe:

pork, boiled and/or grilled (various online recipes say it should be pork cheeks, I'm not sure what we used), diced to <1cm. (we grilled ours)

liver (optional)

soy sauce




diced pepper (to taste)

kalamansi or lemon

I'm not too sure of the proportions but the vinegar, soy sauce and pepper shouldn't overwhelm each other. I just watched my uncle do a splash of this, splash or that. Best when the pieces are cut small. The best part about the dish is that it has a nice combo of flavors: sweetness from the meat, salt, sour, then maanghang.

I remember traveling the Philippines and going to music clubs where Sisig was a favorite palutan (food with drinking) and how they came out in sizzling hot plates that made the dish true to its name sssssssiiiisssssssig. The sizzling platter fries it a bit and gives it a nice crunch taste. YUM! And when you left, your clothes would just reek of cigarettes and the greasy sisig smell.

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