Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The Secret Lives of Punctuations

Do exclamation points dream of curling into a question mark? Are semi-colons the unspoken children of the affair between colons and commas? Would a square bracket have surgery to look more like a squiggly braket?

Do !!! dream of curling into a ? ? Are ;s the unspoken children of the affair between :s and ,s? Would a ] have surgery to look more like }?

Would they send their secrets to Post Secret or whisper poems in her ear?

Tuhan often mentions how he tells us all his "secrets" but we don't understand what he means, so they are still secrets though they remain in the open until one comes to understand what they mean. Which leads to the running joke line: There are no secrets, and there are secrets.

1 comment:

na said...

You should see moi mental images of punctuations having sex!