Tuesday, May 08, 2007

to the right

I had to remove Wilma's Blog as she is no longer with that radio program. The station switched their programming and poof overnight they were done. Radio is fickle that way. Fortunately, Wilma is a fabulous reporter and has several new opportunities to choose from.

Adding to the list is Pana-langue, the blog for the Panama Poets, a group I've never met in person, but have been a part of online for a couple of years. They're a gracious group of writers who provide feedback, critique and encouragement. They meet once a month when they can, but I haven't been able to make their gatherings, though they've tolerated my dramatically moody writing styles from narrative to wtf and were a great asset when putting together Kali's Blade.

The blog right now contains a lot of quoted poems along with artwork as well as some grooving beats.

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