Friday, February 04, 2005

a slice, a pint, a poem, for red poppies


POETRY & PIZZA meets the first Friday of each month at Escape from New York Pizza, 333 Bush at Montgomery
(Montgomery BART or Sutter/Stockton Parking Garage) in downtown San Francisco and offers free pizza to all comers.

Donations of $5 benefit an organization of the poets' choice.
This reading benefits THE RED POPPY ART HOUSE.

MICHELLE BAUTISTA is a local writer and poet, published in various anthologies including Babaylan and Going Home to a Landscape. She is also an instructor in the Filipino martial art of Kali. Her essay on the intersections of Kali and Poetry
was recently published in Pinoy Poetics.

JOELLENE BUCCAT is an 18-year old Filipina poetess from Daly City. She works closely with Youth Speaks as a member of
their youth advisory board. She is currently working with several other female writers from Youth Speaks on a publication to be released this summer. Joellene studies at the University of San Francisco.

ELZ CUYA is a native San Franciscan. Her succès d'estime, The Poetry Mission, appears adamantine in its fifth year. Elz is happily involved with the aureate brouhahas of Youth Speaks and is simply mad about Argentine Tango. Her work has appeared in The Throwback and Urbanthology. Due more to ardent planning than anything else (i.e. actual poems) her now nebulous chapbook is recorded in her handheld for release on September 30th of this year. Since Elz is unusually fond
of spending hours memorizing other people's poetry rather than writing her own, you might aim to encourage her.

BARBARA JANE REYES was born in Manila, Philippines, and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. She received her undergraduate education at U.C Berkeley and will be officially MFA'ed in May 2005 at SF State University. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Asian Pacific American Journal, Chain, Interlope, Nocturnes Review, North American
Review, and Tinfish. She is the author of Gravities of Center. Please pay her a visit at

THE RED POPPY ART HOUSE has come to be the flower that pulls from the soil of interdisciplinary innovation and creative activity. We dissolve borders. Here is where we interact with you and share and experience our creative energy. A crossroads for the arts located on the corner of 23rd and Folsom in San Francisco's Mission district. The Red Poppy Art House features a range of work in fine arts, film, poetry, live music, and dance, with a particular Latin American focus. It is also the working
studio of painter and Creative Director, Todd Brown, whose specialty is art that transforms entire spaces.

The Art House is also the hub of the Mission Arts & Performance Project (MAPP), a bi-monthly collaboration between visual artists, musicians, and performers. The MAPP puts art and performance on the street level by using alternative spaces such as private garages,basements, and home studios all within a three block radius to the Art House, creating a roaming party through the neighborhood. We have a blue piano with butterflies and mariposas for all the children of the community to play. We have children's art classes on Saturdays and only ask for enough coin to cover materials.

Pizza is Free, Poetry is Priceless

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